Congratulations to the winners and the finalists for the 2024 Queensland Resilient Australia Awards.

Watch QRA Resilience Awards 2024 on YouTube.

The Resilient Australia Awards celebrate the inspiring people and projects that build community resilience to disasters and emergencies across Australia. In 2024, the Queensland Chapter of the Awards received an extensive array of entries, but more importantly, the quality of all the entries was incredibly high, with judges commenting on the dedication of our fellow Queenslanders in strengthening our state.

Resilient Australia Government Award
Government award winner, RAA24
WINNER - Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Disaster resilience in the agriculture sector: Planning with purpose.
Resilient Australia Local Government Award
Townsville City Council - RAA24
WINNER - Townsville City Council
Get Ready Workshop - Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
Southern Downs Regional Council - RAA24
HIGHLY COMMENDED - Southern Downs Regional Council
Higher-Risk Sub-Group embedding disability inclusion and awareness into disaster management.
Resilient Australia Community Award
Australian Red Cross RAA24
WINNER - Australian Red Cross
Walking alongside, building resilience: The First Nations Recovery Group.
GIVIT Far North Queensland Flood Appeal. - RAA24
WINNER - GIVIT Far North Queensland Flood Appeal
Wujal Wujal Flood Recovery Project.
Resilient Australia Mental Health and Wellbeing Award
Burnett Respite Services - RAA24
WINNER - Burnett Respite Services
Carinbundi Emergency and Disaster Readiness Training Program.
Resilient Australia Business Award
Port of Brisbane and Queensland Investment Corporation - RAA24
WINNER - Aurecon, Port of Brisbane and Queensland Investment Corporation
Global to local: Cross-sector Collaboration for Resilient Infrastructure. Aurecon, Port of Brisbane and Queensland Investment Corporation.
Spatial Innovation  and Lockyer Valley Regional Council RAA24
HIGHLY COMMENDED - Spatial Innovation Pty Ltd and Lockyer Valley Regional Council
Lockyer Valley Regional Council Flood Information Portal. Spatial Innovation Pty Ltd and Lockyer Valley Regional Council.
Resilient Australia Photography Award
Tina Marshall and winning photograph
WINNER - Tina Marshall
Carinbundi Clients Complete Emergency and Disaster Management Training