2024-2025 Funding Program

In May 2024, email correspondence will be sent to each Council, inviting them to submit their plan of activities and signed project funding schedules via email before 30 June 2024. 

2023-24 Acquittals

All claimed GRQ expenditure for the 2023-24 program must be submitted to QRA by 30 September 2024.

When preparing your acquittal, please ensure the B2 and B3 tabs are completed in your plan of activities. The following should be attached as supporting documents:

  • Examples of completed activities funded (e.g. event photos, collateral, videos)
  • Detailed transaction general ledger report.

Unspent funds from the 2023-24 Get Ready Queensland program must be acquitted back to QRA and cannot be rolled over to future funding rounds. 

The acquittal process can be emailed to submissions@qra.qld.gov.au

For more information and support, contact your QRA Recovery Officer or the Get Ready Queensland team at getready@qra.qld.gov.au.